Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado USA

Finally, a PRACTICAL and CONCISE tool to help improve your happiness and well being.

About the title: The book is titled `Landscapes' because happiness does NOT have a single recipe. It is a collection of circumstances that belong to YOUR OWN reality, which can be consistently improved and organized to bring well-ness, satisfaction and direction to your life.

We have heard that happiness is a choice. We certainly face situations through life outside of our control and we, for the most part, can control our reactions to provide a positive spin to the situation. The concept is very valid, however, it is so general that is hard to implement for most of us. Where and how can I use this concept to help me today? Are there any specific steps or specific areas that I can focus on to bring more full-fillment and joy to my life?

`Landscapes' aims to fill that gap. By providing `pointers' and practical recommendations to focus on areas that are critical to our balance in life, applicable at any age, at any social condition, because balance is happiness and is within our control.

'Landscapes' touches on the main areas that drive your well being: Love and relationships, Health and fitness, Motivational activities (professional and personal) providing examples and practical suggestions to apply in your case.

'Landscapes' is NOT a novel or science fiction work, but a compilation of concise ideas to give you tools to apply today that you can examine during a flight or in a couple of hours reading at home. It was written with consideration to your time and to the fact that when you need to improve your levels of happiness, you do not need a wordy lecture but a list of actionable ideas that you can put to use immediately.

Book Cover Art: Landscapes Book Cover

All content of this site is Copyright © material - G. Oviedo 2010

Site last updated: May 2020

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